Hello all! My apologies for the extended absence. I have finished my time at Interlochen and am now back in Indianapolis, working on wedding stuff with my wonderful fiance and starting a new job search. I have to admit, it's been great having this week off to just hang out, but I do need to get back to earning a living...
Anyways, here's a project that I started back in June, and wasn't able to resume until our last week at ICA - the granite etching for my dad's headstone. Here's the completed drawing that I worked from--
And here is the finished product!
I will say I was rather intimidated to not only learn this completely new medium involving a very sharp power tool, but also having to create something of this magnitude for my very first project! I think that's part of why I had put it off for so long, and in order for me to even start on it, I had to make Devin leave our cabin :-p I suppose I needed to "bond" with the etching tool...
I find that many times, when I'm learning or experimenting ("playing," as I prefer to call it), I want to be completely alone. Call it performance anxiety, but I need to be able to do whatever I feel like doing without someone watching me...in my mind, they're thinking things like, "Wow, what a weirdo," and "what on EARTH is that freak doing?" Just one of my artistic idiosyncrasies. Moving on...
Latest project: new (to me) HUGE canvas!
This is a painting I acquired from Devin's grandparents, who are in the moving process and left many of their possessions up for grabs to the grandkids. Score! They originally bought it from a department store, which means it was mass-produced and therefore worth next to nothing. My brain said FREE CANVAS, and we grabbed it. It will be the largest canvas I've ever used - pretty sure it's 3 ft x 4 ft - and tonight I took step 1 towards a masterpiece: GESSO-ING THE CRAP OUT OF IT.
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See also: PLAYGROUND. :) |
For those who don't know, gesso is used as a primer for canvases (and just about anything else that needs it). It comes in white AND black (ooh!) and is therefore perfect for redoing a canvas. SHAZAM, a world of potential is born! I'm already cooking up ideas...and in need of a new supply of gesso.
And that's not all, loyal readers! After being gone for a few weeks, I have to give you more treats than that. So here's two artists that were introduced to me this week, one from my mother, and the other from my future mother-in-law. Brilliant ladies they are ;-) Bonus: Both artists are women, too!
First, we have Helen Dennis. Just today she closed an installation in NYC of projected drawings...check out the link to see what I mean! It's so many of my favorite things...drawing, mixed media, projection, site-specific, oh my! She also has some gorgeous pictures of Iceland, which is near the top of my list of places to visit.
Next is Debbie Smyth with some incredible large-scale installations of string art. Seriously, this stuff makes me jealous...but in the art world, jealousy can be nearly synonymous with inspiration. Am I wrong, fellow artists?? :)
I love looking at work from wonderful artists like these. It reminds me that really, anything is possible, that I'm not limited to the page/canvas/computer (unless I want to be), and that it IS possible to do great things with art in the present moment, as opposed to 100+ years after you die (poor Van Gogh...).
And now, allergies are overtaking me, and I must bid you goodnight and adieu...as always, thanks for reading!